The courgettes have certainly benefited, along with the outside salad, so there will be plenty for you on the Organic Waggon and at the Markets. As well as our usual, Tetbury (Thurs 10-3pm) and Cirencester (2nd & 4th Sat 8-1pm) markets, we are planning to set up under the Malmesbury Market Cross on a Tuesday morning each week, we hope this will bring our produce closer to home for some of our customers. We are just waiting for approval from the council which should go through the third week of August.
In addition, the Kohl Rabi are getting to record sizes this summer, look out for our recipe ideas sheets for some inspiration. Peppers are beautiful and are beginning to ripen, and we have just picked our first batch of green sprouting broccoli. If you haven’t yet tried a punnet of our mixed cherry tomatoes we highly recommend them, they’re sweet and very tasty, we just can’t stop snacking on them ourselves!
You may have noticed that the Organic Waggon is back to its original spot at the farm entrance now that the resurfacing has been completed. (Open 9am – 5pm Mon- Fri) Please feel free to use your visit as an opportunity to talk to us. Someone is usually close by & there is a bell on the radio, top left hand side of the stall, to get our attention if you wish. Your suggestions are always welcome.
As a response to some of your feedback, we are offering a new service, where regular customers can order their next week’s shopping, so nobody has to miss out on what we have to offer. As many of you know, some products are in higher demand. This way we will harvest especially, keep things back for you, and pack your organic vegetables, so all you have to do is pick them up! Look out for order forms at the Waggon (Mon-Fri) and the Tetbury Market on a Thursday, fill in a form and your order will be waiting for you next week on the day of your choice.
We are still very keen to hear from anybody who might like to offer some time as a volunteer on the farm in return for some vegetables to take home. We have weeding, harvesting and planting to do, which is always copious at this time of year. If any of you are interested in experiencing organic farm life please come and see us, or contact us:
Phone 01666 503056
Close Farm, Shipton Moyne, Tetbury, GL8 8PH
We are looking forward to seeing you soon.
Many Thanks at the growing team at Close Farm Ami, Fred & Megan
P.S. You can also look us up on Facebook & maybe even give us a like! Search ‘Close Farm’ where we regularly post pictures and news from the farm.